Our support packages are simple. You won’t find any hidden extras. We tailor our suggestions to your school's specific needs - paying special attention to your budget, size, and anticipated growth, saving you money in the long term.
Curriculum Support Visits
The Bowker IT technicians let you choose onsite visit hours and days to fit the needs of your school. Weekly, fortnightly, and monthly visits are included in some of our standard packages, but we have the flexibility you need to fit around you.
If you have any problems, we’re just at the end of the phone, so give us a ring. You can get a block of support hours to use onsite or over remote support backed by our team. You don't have to wait until a scheduled visit, jump to the top of the list with a guaranteed response time. Drop us an email or get us on the phone to help you with your day-to-day problems.
As well as offering support contracts, we can also quote for projects with a deadline and budget.
IT Strategy Meetings
In order for our schools to receive the absolute best service, we see it as crucial that Bowker IT consultants meet regularly with the SBM and/or Head to understand where they're heading or want to head with technology. We also see this as an ideal opportunity to discuss any new technology that we might think would be useful to your school.
Every minute of a technician’s time working on site or remotely is recorded and documented, with detailed notes on what the issue was and how it was resolved. Reports are sent each month, giving you an overview of what has been done, by who, and how long it has taken.
To find out more or book your first meeting, give us a call on 01524 385800.