One step ahead of technology and always in step with your needs, the Bowker IT team can be your go-to IT support for anything to do with broadband and connectivity.
A stable internet connection is essential for your school to run smoothly day by day. Partnered with Schools Broadband, we can offer you a stable, fast, secure internet connection with web filtering and a network protection service.
We can offer you the following connection types:
Ethernet over Fibre to the cabinet (EoFTTC) is provided by a copper line from the cabinet in the street to your school. It travels through a fibre optic circuit to the exchange.
- EoFTTC is an uncontended line – the line isn’t shared with anyone else, ensuring that your guaranteed line speeds are received every day regardless of the time.
- It offers a guaranteed Service Level Agreement (SLA), ensuring a fix within 7 hours and 24/7 support.
Fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) is provided by a fibre optic cable from the exchange to the cabinet in the street. From the street, it travels over a copper cable telephone line into your school.
- FTTC is cheaper than EoFTTC.
- Maximum speed is 20MB upload and 80MB download – this isn’t a guaranteed speed as it depends on the length of the phone line to the street cabinet.
- It’s a contended service - the service is shared, meaning that speeds can be slower at busy times.
Leased Line
A leased line is a private dedicated broadband connection.
- We recommend this product for all secondary schools and, possibly, larger primary schools.
- This is a private line, offering an uncontended service.
- Leased lines offer guaranteed SLA’s.
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is the basic broadband that you can get through your telephone line, delivered through copper wires from the cabinet in the street.
- If FTTC is not available for your school, we can offer an ADSL connection.
- The further you are from the telephone exchange, the slower the speed becomes.
- Maximum upload speed is 2.5MB upload and 24MB download.
- It’s a contended service – the service is shared meaning that speeds can be slower at busy times.
Each school has unique requirements and speeds will vary depending on where your school is. One of our engineers will run an individual assessment and come back to you with the best possible quote depending on your needs.
For more information, call us on 01524 385800 or click here to enquire.